
when all was quiet on the belly front

well hello & happy new year

we've been rested up over summer & will not be playing until february mostly due to our fav key-tarist antony breaking his hand. but the good news is I have a tan!

we'll be shooting a new clip soon for the next single being released in January & once everyones heard it we'll come show you all how we do it live.. it was a toss up between one of our most loved & energetic live songs that we've been playing now since 2007!! holy mother of dog, how am I not sick of it yet! and probably a more obvious single choice with its punchy beat and nice big chorus that has our distinct sound.. you'll get to hear them both over the coming months, but the single will come first followed by the album soonishhh after.

in other good news I've used summer to not only read a whole lot of books (angels & demons most recently, now to see what mr ron howard has done to it in film form) but also write new material, & its great to be fruitful & varied in the writing process at the moment. I feel a more focused direction & excitement after playing a majority of the tracks on the album for a few years now. We're already 10 songs deep into a list of new songs & just have to give most of them a proper demo.

so when all seems quiet, it's actually not! we're about 5 seconds away from smacking you in the face with our second single from 'by limbo lake'. a very gentle slap that we hope you enjoy & fills the rest of your summer soundtrack.

much love
